26 Weeks and Havent Felt Baby Move in 24 Hours


Jo 78yxw

10/09/2013 at 10:46 am

I'm 30 weeks too and movements can vary hugely for me. Somedays really active, others only occasional light bumps. However, if I were you, I would call you midwife. They will probably suggest that your baby is monitored for a while.

I had this done a couple of weeks ago and the baby kicked just as I pulled in to the hospital car park! Try not to worry, but do give your midwife a call.



10/09/2013 at 10:48 am

Hi claire,

Sometimes the baby can make small movements we may not feel. But you should be feeling something & to feel nothing is a bit bizarre- since when have you stopped feeling them?

I would contact your midwife ASAP if its concerning you!

Good luck, hope all is well x



10/09/2013 at 10:50 am

Hey Hun, my baby didn't move a lot one day so we were up to a and e and found out she was fine :) apparently drinking a glass of really cold water and eating some chocolate wakes them up, do that then sit down for a while and concentrate on your bump. If still no movements contact a midwife, doctor or nhs direct x x x



10/09/2013 at 10:50 am

call your mw.  i did when i felt nothing for 2 days at 28 weeks, was very reassured to hear his heart beat....he had just moved position.



10/09/2013 at 10:53 am

Ring delivery suite and seek advise

This happened to me with my daughter. They advised me to have an ice cold drink, some chocolate and also have a bath

I did all the above and nothing happened. I was really worried! They asked me to come in and just as we walked out the door she kicked me!

It is common and they can just be having a sleep but do get some proper advise from the delivery suite midwives. They won't mind, its what they're there for xx



10/09/2013 at 10:53 am

Definitely call the midwife. Whilst your doing that drink something sugary and see if baby moves x



10/09/2013 at 11:05 am

Hey, you're completely normal to be concerned, however I am sure everything is fine and your babba is just having a lazy day!  I would ring your midwife or maternity assessment unit for reassurance.

This happened to me at 26 weeks.  My usually active baby hadn't really moved for 48 hours.  Upon calling the MW I was told to have an ice cold drink (apparently wakes them up or gives them a little shock!), eat something sweet and lie on my left side for 2 hours (if possible).  I ended up being assessed and as soon as they put the heartbeat monitor across my tummy, the little monkey started to kick and move around!  The MW's were lovely and told me I did the right thing, so please go get checked out for peace of mind.

I'm now 31 weeks and some days she moves around, although the movements are getting slower and more of a squirm than a kick - apparently around now they start to run out of room to manoeuvre, so movements are less.

Good luck x


Charmaine J(13)

10/09/2013 at 11:08 am

Drink a pint of ice cold water and lay on your left side. If u don't feel movement within half hour then call the hospital xx



10/09/2013 at 11:12 am

DEFINATELY get checked out ASAP.


Carly D(41)

10/09/2013 at 11:42 am

Hey Hun, my baby didn't move a lot one day so we were up to a and e and found out she was fine :) apparently drinking a glass of really cold water and eating some chocolate wakes them up, do that then sit down for a while and concentrate on your bump. If still no movements contact a midwife, doctor or nhs direct x x x

I totally agree with this... I had a day at work where I had felt nothing and was advised with all of the above, plus try lying down on your side for a bit and then sitting up. I couldn't do this at work so just gave baby a few pokes and prods.

If you dont feel anything, or are feeling anxious anyway, give your MW a call or just head down to your day assessment unit.


26 Weeks and Havent Felt Baby Move in 24 Hours

Source: https://www.netmums.com/coffeehouse/becoming-mum-pregnancy-996/netmums-52/986835-30-weeks-no-felt-baby-move-24-hours.html

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